
Corporate Social Responsibility

Since its establishment, Boursa Kuwait has been committed to its employees, the community in which it operates, and the environment, adopting a comprehensive policy that outlines the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) that is derived from the Corporate Sustainability (CS) strategy, the company’s overarching strategy as well as the goals of the New Kuwait 2035 vision and the State’s National Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations. 

The company has aligned the goals of its CSR strategy with its mission, vision, and core values in an effort to ensure that its operations and business practices are not only sustainable but can contribute to the community in which it operates, maximizing its value to Boursa Kuwait’s various stakeholders and minimizing its harmful effects on society and the environment. 

Throughout the years, Boursa Kuwait has partnered with several local and internationally renowned organizations, such as the United Nations, the Kuwait Red Crescent Society, the United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Environmental Programme, drawing on their extensive expertise in the areas of aid and support and sponsoring various initiatives as part of the three pillars of Education, Community, and the Environment outlined in the company’s CS strategy. 

Boursa Kuwait strives to raise social responsibility awareness among its employees by ensuring that they are aware of the importance of these programs and their objectives, which contributes to improving the company’s performance level and helps it achieve its strategic objectives.